Freeze-dried dog treats in a bag
Raw for Paw Treats are freeze-dried pieces made of 97% meat and 3% lingonberry and nettle. We dry these tasty dog treats ourselves in our factory in Småland. Naturally, all the meat comes from animals that have lived the good life on our Nordic farms.
Tasteful and nutritious from the Nordic nature
The pieces are freeze-dried and consist mostly of meat, but we’ve chosen to add some lingonberries and nettles as well. This makes the product both more nutritious and tasteful. Naturally, we use Nordic ingredients.
In the series, you’ll find six different flavours. All are single-protein and manufactured in our own factory in Småland. Like all our products, we focus on the quality of the ingredients and value honest products that we can be proud of. This, of course, also applies to this series of Treats.
The pieces are soft for the dog to chew and easy for you to break into smaller pieces. Freeze-dried products are dry without crumbling, making them excellent to carry in your pocket during walks or at the training ground.
Welcome to find your dog’s favourite! The available flavours are beef, chicken, pork, turkey, lamb and salmon.